

Effect of perforation on borehole acoustic wave logging: Modeling and application.GeophysicsSCI二区Li Huan-Ran, GU Xi-Hao, Zhang Cong-Hui, Su Yuan-Da, Tang Xiao-Ming.
93A sphere-equivalency approach for calculating the elastic property of an isotropic solid containing aligned inclusions: Modeling and experiment data verification.GeophysicsSCI二区Xu Song, Tang Xiaoming, Su Yuanda.
95随钻斯通利波测井反演地层渗透率的理论、方法及应用. 地球物理学报SCI庄春喜, 李杨虎, 孔凡童, 陈鸣, 张聪慧, 苏远大, 唐晓明.
96Application of four-component dipole shear reflection imaging to interpret the geological structure around a deviated well.Applied GeophysicsSCILee Sheng-Qing, Chen Ming, Gu Xi-Hao, Su Yuan-Da, Tang Xiao-Ming.
97Shear wave imaging to determine near-borehole faults for ocean drilling exploration, Geophysical Journal InternationalGeophysical Journal InternationalSCISheng-Qing Lee, Xiao-Ming Tang, Yuan-da Su.
98Near-borehole characteristics of hydraulic fractures and fracturing-induced sonic-wave attenuationGeophysicsSCI二区Sheng-Qing Lee, Huan-Ran Li, Xi-Hao Gu, and Xiao-Ming Tang.
99套后介质声学性质对套管井三种模式波影响的对比分析. 地球物理学报SCI陈雪莲,唐晓明.
100Azimuthal shear-wave anisotropy measurement in a borehole physical modeling and dipole acoustic verification.JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICASCI四区Chunxi Zhuang,Song Xu,Huanran Li, Yuanda Su, and Xiaoming Tang.
101过套管偶极横波远探测理论与应用. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)EI唐晓明, 古希浩, 苏远大.
102Cased borehole acoustic-wave propagation with varying bonding conditions: theoretical and experimental modeling. GeophysicsSCI二区Jiang C, Chen X L, Su Y D, Tang X M.
103声波测井压电换能器多频点阻抗匹配技术研究.声学技术中文核心苟阳, 唐晓明, 谭宝海, 陈文轩, 孙云涛,  张文秀.
104随钻声波测井圆弧状压电阵子的有限元分析应用声学中文核心孙志峰 ,唐晓明 ,苏远大,陈洪海,仇 傲, 李 杰
105Acoustic radiation and reflection of a logging-while-drilling dipoleGeophysical Journal InternationalSCI三区Zhoutuo Wei,  Xiaoming Tang, Jingji Cao
106A Through-Casing Acoustic Logging Tool Using Dual-Source Transmitters PETROPHYSICSSCI四区Xiaoming Tang  , Yuanda Su  , Bo Zhuang
107Measurement of the shear slowness of slow formations from monopole logging-while-drilling sonic logsGeophysicsSCI二区Yuanda Su, XinDIng Fang, XiaoMing Tang.
109Elastic property study in cracked rocks using a sphere-equivalency method. 5rd International Workshop on Rock Physics国际会议Xu Song, Torres-Verdín Carlos, and Su Yuan-Da, Tang Xiao-Ming.
112Numerical analysis of a combined quadrupole-dipole mode for acoustic logging-while-drilling reflection surveySEG国际会议Zhou-tuo Wei*, Xiao-ming Tang, Xue-lian Chen,, Li-wei Wang
113A Multiple Filtering and Correlation Technique for Cased-hole Acoustic Data Processing.EAGE Conference国际会议孔凡童,唐晓明,苏远大,江灿